The short answer is, yes! Similar to dogs, cats can also display signs of emotional distress, even if they can’t always vocalize it. With February being National Cat Health Month, let's take a deep dive into how anxiety impacts your cat!
Anxiety overall is anticipatory fear of danger which causes intense feelings of emotional distress. For cats, anxiety can be caused by multiple factors including pain, age, and past trauma. Although age can be a common factor that causes anxiety in cats, anxiety can impact your furry-friend at any age!
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, cats are taken to the vet less than half of the time compared to dogs. When your dog is anxious or upset, they will bark and vocalize their fears. Cats on the other hand are much quieter, even with their loudest meow.
Are you worried that your cat may be displaying anxious behavior? Here are some signs to look out for.
Your cat likes to hide
You hardly see your cat, especially when you have company. If your cat hides so often that you feel like you don't even have a cat at all, chances are your cat could be suffering from anxiety.
Your cat is constantly licking and grooming
Similar to how dogs display anxiety, cats can also display their anxious feelings by over grooming themselves. If you notice your cat is grooming to the point where they are losing large amounts of hair, make an appointment with your vet for a checkup.
Your cat gets aggressive
Does your cat tend to get aggressive while playing? If your cat suddenly scratches or hisses, they may be dealing with anxiety. One of the main causes of anxiety in cats can be boredom. If they are acting out while you are being playful with them, their anxiety may be troubling them.
Your cat is having accidents outside of their litter box
Was your cat perfectly litter box trained and all of a sudden they are having accidents? Although this could be a sign of serious health issues, anxiety could play a role.
Your cat follows you everywhere!
Having your cat around all of the time may make you feel happy and loved, but It could be a sign of separation anxiety. Cats can become anxiously attached to their owners when their routine changes. This could be moving into a new home, starting up a new job, or even going on a vacation.
If your cat is displaying any of these signs of anxiety, it is always a good idea to check with your vet. Routine check-ups for cats are critical in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
If you’re worried about your cat’s anxious attachment style, try out Snuggle Kitty. Snuggle Kitty plays into your cat’s natural instincts and recreates maternal intimacy.
Looking for more cat content? Check out our blog and read “How to Comfort Kittens Who Have Been Abandoned.